Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Swear I Don't know what to Eat!

Now I see on Doctor Oz. the food that I am eating is not good for Thyroid problems. It slows it down,the food I should be eating is  Low fat Cheese,Cows Milk,Eggs,Shellfish,Soysauce,Low fat Ice Cream,Yogurt,Saltwater Fish and some more,since it is Iodine that we are lacking.  But here I am eating and drinking, Soy milk,corn, broccoli,Kale,almonds, everything I think is good for you slows the Thyroid down. I SWEAR I just don't know what to do.  I just started eating kale because it is good for your skin,and almonds to snack on.   Oh well I guess I will start not eating these things because I do want my thyroid to work better and i do trust Dr. Oz. I have lost 5 pounds in the last 3 weeks...Oct.14,2011
I have been googleing what to eat with thyroid problems and have learned quite a bit.  If I want to eat broccoli ,mustard greens,turnip greens,cauliflower,it has to be cooked.

My Days on Efudex

My Days on Efudex

I have started Efudex not knowing ,but have been told that it is painful.  My Dermatologist was proud of me because I said I would do it. He said Not to many people will do it, even when they need to have it done. He would tell them they should have it done and he would give them the pamphlet on what to expect and they would tell him "NO they are not going to go through all that".  Plus a lot of people have to work and are not going to go in public looking like a monster or contagious. So I am retired and don't have to worry about going to work,so I will do it.  Plus I am over 50 a little ha ha, my personal feeling is that I don't think a lot of younger adults would have it done because they are still sun bathing and are not worried about sun cancer yet. It is getting out to the younger adults that it does make you look older, sun bathing or getting into tanning beds, but guess what they are not listening yet,and may not hear you until they are at 50 and are starting to get wrinkles,then they say" oh no I should of stayed out of the sun". Then they will go to a Dermatologist and BEG for the Efudex...  So this is really my first day because I didn't put it on till last night Oct 9,2011 so this is pictures of 9th and 10th Oct.  My neck is red and a little itchy. I wonder how many little skin precancers I will have? Oct 11,2011 my face is puffy and my neck is little itchy that is all that is going on so far.
[Image]by Wondering Mind at 4:49 pm 1 Comments

Oct 9,2011

Oct 10,2011
Wondering Mind at 4:49 pm 1 Comments
The Path TraveledOct 11, 2011 10:58 AMYou have a long way to go. About the 5th day you should see some redd spots and a little burn look. Hang in there. Try to tie this blog with your oringinal one so that your followers will be able to keep up and comment. If you have to just copy the post and post it on your other one. There is a place to click on and name a page on there. Let me know if you need some help.
Love ya, hang in there... No more!loading.

.. Well ,this is day 5.5 and I feel my bottom lip is getting bigger then normal. I can see under the skin a lot of little red bumps. My neck on the side has a few spots showing up. Other wise neck is the reddest and more tingly. I have not called the Dr. yet but will soon.  He only works in that office 2 days a month because he is retired military and does this for free.  But anyway doing fine so far.  Have not put any make-up on since I started.  This is Oct.14 2011
11:58:00 AMby Wondering
Oct 15 I only see red spots on my side of my neck. Maybe I want be getting it to bad that will be a good thing that means I don't have any precancers under my skin.  Well, we will see in the next few days..

Oct 16  not much has happened don't know why?

I have been on Efudex now for 11 days you really can't see the spots on the picture but I do have quite a bit on my chest and around my lips and some spots coming up on my forehead about 20 or so.  I feel ok at night around 5:00 it hurts more then in the day time. So take a look the Dr. said to keep putting the medicine on twice a day .  My next apt is on the 9th of November. 

Oct 24,2011 I have been on efudex now for 16 days I stopped useing it yesterday on Oct 23,2011. Now I am just waiting to get well.

18 days now Oct 26 I am turning green and scapping Hopefully soon i will be well I still feel the burn feeling and it hurts so bad.  Well I had more on my chest then face but under my nose and chin hurts the most,more then my chest. I know I did not have it as bad as my two sisters but I could feel the pain when I look at their pictures. This is something that is an on going pain for weeks if you don't know how to deal with the pain I would not do it. Like I would not want my husband to go through the pain,because he is already in a lot of pain with his neck.  I just make sure he goes to the skin dr. every 6 monthes to get them burned off and hopefully that will take care of it. 

Oct 30,2011 I started feeling better yesterday It was so good to wake up and not have a stiff face and hurting.  I have peeled but i am still red around the places that have peeled.  My neck and chest is still broke out and hurts it has been scappeing but still red and hurts.  But other wise I am so GLAD that is almost over with! I learned my lesson I will never do it again!! I can't even imagine how Betty  survived the pain what 2 times you did it to your self. Well, I am glad I got that over with so I don't have to worry about cancer on my face,neck and chest any more hopefully...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Living with Regret

 I Live every day with regret.  The regret is not being with my Mom on her last days.  The last time I saw her blue blue eyes was at the dr. office. I had an appt. and I guess she did to.  She sat in her wheel chair and I sat on the other side of the room,not looking at her. I would sneak a peek every once in a while and I would see her looking at me with sad eyes.  That is the last time I saw those blue eyes. It hurts me every day knowing that my Mother left this earth and I did not say I LOVE YOU MOM! I am so ashamed of myself for letting stupid things get in between my love for her.  I am writeing this so other people don't do the most unforgiveable in your own heart and mind. Because I live every day with a broken heart for my Mom. You had a hard life, and in your days of your death they also where hard.  I am so SORRY Mom I Love yOu with all my broken heart for you. Because I know you Loved me with all your heart.  You use to say I was your little Queen that is how I got my name Marqueen.  Love You!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

To Much Work for Old Folks!

 main house master bedroom
main house dining room or another living room

barn house living room
main house kitchen

main house living room
Well, the two houses are almost finished.  Ricky has a little bit to do in the kitchen of the barn house.  It was a long hard road for all of us that helped on the houses to get them ready to sale. Now it is time to advertise and try to get it sold without going through a realtor. It is not going to be easy the hole project has not been easy, so if we can just hold on till we can get it sold.  It just has been so much stress and money. Here are a couple of pictures of the house like I said it has not been easy not even getting good pictures of the rooms. It all came out so clean looking like a new house.  Thanks to all the hard work from all of us. The guys let the girls figure out the color of the walls and light fixtures like smart men they  just went along with it.  Angie and I went rounds a few times on the color of the walls but we met in the middle not to dark and not white.  And Nicole all the assignments we gave her she made straight A's she did such awesome job on painting the stairs and cleaning she did a great job!  And Ricky EVERYTHING he does comes out Great! I don't know where he got all his smarts because he knows how to do everything! What a Great Son in law we have!   And of course my smart and hard working husband he was up at 5:00 in the morning over at the houses working every day for the last two months. He has been out in the sun so much he is dark dark. He has and apt. for the dermatologist on the 22 of this month that Dr. is going to say well you have not listened to me about staying out of the sun or using sun screen I can see that.  But he sure looks good (Roy). And Chad him and Ricky did a great job tearing down the old laundry room and hauling it off.  Yes Chad the barn house and main house looks GREAT he pressure washed it and the wood and mildew is all gone!  And me Don't Ask me to FLIP another house!  I have had enough paint on me and sweat I should have lost a ton of weight but oh NO I don't loose anything.  Well, we will be GLAD when this night mare is over and GONE!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why Oh Why??

I am very upset today because I just found out from my son that another young person took their own life.. Why oh why, and you know he is the only one that knows all the pain he was going through to do what he did. I didn't even know him that well, he was my sons ex-wife brother,but I had seen him and said hi a few times. I heard he was a nice guy,but the pain he had, must of been   something he could not live with, for him to of hung his self. I am so sorry to his Mom and Dad and family, they have to live with the pain of loosing him. I hope he left them a letter to make since of his death.  I had to write about this because it made me feel so sad knowing that his parents will never know now how their son's life would of been.  He cut it short, and they will never know what it could of been if he  would of just took a different path. So sad for a young life to end so early. Rest in Peace Joseph Cotton.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I call my daughter my friend now that she is older, and I also have two sister-in-laws that I think of as friends and sisters because I did not have any sisters.I hope they feel the same.  I feel bad because my daughter does not have any sisters  and I know she would of liked to have one sister to share things with.  And of course my main friend is my husband,but some times you need some girl friends.  I have not been the one to go out and get friends. While my husband was in the military he use to bring home the friends and I would always end up being friends with the wife..
Then I have my sons wife she is my friend. But then their is the friends that I found all by my self, that is my school year friends while growing up.  I know where two of them are and we email each other ever once in a while but they where not easy to find after we went our own ways. One friend I spent hours and days on the computer going through names looking for her or her Moms name and I knew they went to the state of Washington.  Finally one day I called this no. and I heard this little voice and guess what it was her Mom. She was just as surprised as I was.  She gave me her daughters phone no. and we got into contact and have been keeping in touch ever since and also she was in the process of moving back to the town we met.  When she moved back the three of us got together for a little reunion.  It was  so good getting to hear all their stories and talking about the past. Some of the stories they told where very sad and some funny. We had so much fun together, those memories will always be with me.  Seeing that they both are living a good life makes me feel so Good!  Then their are the friends that I cannot find and one lives here in Florida. I have looked for her on the computer even stopped in the town she lived in at one time and looked in phone books but cannot find her. Any way I am just GLAD I have the friends I have,since I don't have to  many but who cares, the ones I do have I can count on them to be there when I need to talk... Love to my Friends! And a special Love for my family friends!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Who is the Number 1 Child with a Mother that has 4

The love from a Mother to her children is never ending love, she would do any thing for her kids. We are here on this earth to protect,guide,teach,and show them love, and everything that a mother does for their children while they are young.  Once they hit the age 18 you are hoping that they would leave the nest and fly like a responsible,almost mature young person. But what if they don't?  And you have different views on the way you should live your life then they do. Then their is the old horrible thing of jealousies between brothers and sisters. Like Cain and Able,Why do they have to be jealous of each other?
They should be proud to have a brother or sister that is doing well in life. They should be thinking i sure am Glad that they are doing good instead of thinking, they just think they have more then me an are trying to flaunt it.  It is not called flaunting it, if they want to show you something they bought, we all do that, we are proud of having nice things and want to show them off. Brothers and Sisters should have love for each other just like a mother and father has love for all their children.  Then their is the jealousy of child and parent.  Just because a parent is speaking to one more then the other does not mean that she loves them more.  Like  I said the mothers love for all her children is the Same when it comes down to each one of them. She just may be disappointed in one or the other once in a while but her Love is always their for her kids....So the jealousy between Brother and Sister and Mother,Father and Child should never be! Life is so short and it seems shorter has you get older...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Begining and then the End

Here we are crying when we have a new love one born. Then when we have a love one pass on we are also crying no matter what we are crying.  Every thing goes in a full circle like my husband said he started out with corvettes and now he has gone in a full circle he has a corvette now. 
You know I thought about it the other day, when my grand daughter was here and she said you know "you are going to die one day and  i am going to cry and cry" she said.. I really didn't know what to say to her except that she will be ok. After she left I thought to my self I am going to have to prepare her and the other grand kids for what is going to happen one day,that her Me Maw and Paw Paw will not be here for ever and that when it does happen we will always be with them and watch down on them. It was very hard on my little Lexi when her Old Grandma died she had grown to know her and when she died she was hurt,and wondering where she went. We cannot just leave our little ones not knowing what happened to their Grand Parents. It is going to be hard on them, but hopefully I can prepare them all to know I will always be with them.  So lets stop crying and smile and be Happy right now!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

To a Great Husband and Dad

You know most of us always tell our husbands that we love them, but not tell him why.  I know I haven't told him very often why I love him..
You know all women say they want a man that loved his Mom well my Husband loved his Mother!  He always made sure me and the kids had what we needed. And I can say he has given me everything I have ever wanted between material things to love and affection.  We have never argued about money. He has always treated me like I am his best friend.  We have been married for 38 years and of course their are ups and downs, but I am so Glad we both worked on all our problems and I am so GLAD! 
Sometimes I get upset if I have to hear the same story over for the 1,000 time but really I am so GLAD to be able to hear it.
He is strong,he does what he says and expects his kids to do what they say.
He has always wanted his kids to have more then we have had..
He has always wanted them to be responsible. 
He loves them all, kids and Grand kids... 
One of the things that makes my Husband so special during all the years, that we have been married is that when I  thought that he needed changing for the better, he tried to work on it so we can be happier. He did a good job of making us very Happy! 
He has always let me speak my mind and I never had to  be afraid to tell him how I feel because he has always been my friend to run to when I felt down. We are a team for life and then after!!!
HAPPY FATHERS DAY to my Wonderful Husband you are just the GREATEST I LOVE YOU!!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Going to the Sixth Grade

Don't you remember when you graduated from 5th to the sixth or just when ever you started that grade?  I lived in California at that time at Ft. Irwine,my Dad was in the Army I was in the sixth grade. Out in the Dessert my passion was swimming.  I was good at swimming,I could go across the great big pool under water I had good lungs at the time. But I was on a swimming team going all around California swimming.  I did very good,  won lots of blue,white or red ribbons mostly blue I was a good swimmer. But I have no ideal what happen to all those ribbons wished I had them now. 

Yesterday,I went over to my daughters house and Brooke had her ribbons and trophies all laid out neatly on her pool table so proud of them all. She has them because of Softball ,Cheer leading, doing good in school like being on the A honor roll and more...I told her to safe guard them don't loose them so she can show her kids all the hard work she has done to get all her rewards. Lexi ,Brooke and Caitlyn have lots of trophies for the things they have done so far in their young lives.  But their Mom and Dads also have been the ones to back them up in all they have done.  But now the name of the title is going to the sixth grade, I am writing this because her Grandpa and I went to her 5th grade graduation.  The kids where all dressed up in some of the cutes dresses and the boys where very neat. The thing is I would like for her to try and remember some of her young life. So here I am  snapping my camera every 5 min. or so trying to get every detail.  Her Mom does a good job at making sure they have things to remember in their child hood days.  She makes real paper back books for them and they together do scrap booking. I wished I would of done those kinds of things for my kids but at the time,all they got was a baby book. We  just never heard of it like macrame or pottery but I am proud of my kids because they put their kids above every thing.  I have noticed that my Niece DB is doing the same thing making sure her girl has a good child hood and does scrap booking with great pictures. Any way Roy and I have lots more graduations to go to and looking forward to all of them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

He has done it Again!

Well, about every 8 months or so my husband will start staying up all night on the computer. This will go on for days and finally, I will find out he is looking for something new. He will tell me what he is doing and of course like always I will tell him he is nuts! And it's not a new wife but his second love, a new Car or used car what ever something different. For 38 years he is never satisfied, he goes from one to another,and it don't take long for him to get ready for a new ride and I mean a car..
I don't know if this was in his family genes or what but he is Car Crazy!
Well, this new car he just came up with came from New Hampshire... He found a Beautiful Salsa Red 1964 Corvette.  The man that owned the car put it on a car hauler and off it went.  Back  down to Florida, where it came from before it went to New Hampshire. Now my husband is the new owner and he slept with it last night to make sure it didn't get lonely,even though it had my new Elantra next to it. He said he just sat and just looked at it and kept dozing off in his chair a few times before he decided that the car could sleep by itself.  But now I know my husband should be getting some sleep tonight. He has got what he wanted and will be satisfied for another 8 months and then what he keeps telling me," where can he go from this car" well he always seems to find a way.  And he has went a full circle he started out loving Corvettes and went to Vipers back to Corvettes..That is what he told me. Well, I am just glad he loves me and don't want to get rid of me not yet anyway ha ha....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Medicine Bottles?

I was just wondering am I the only one that does not read the little labels that the pharmacist puts on the medicine?  I went for years not taking my Thyroid medicine right. I don't recall my Dr. telling me how to take it but I should have read the labels.  It says to take as a single dose before breakfast. I had been taking it whenever I got around to it an with all my other medicines.  That is why my thyroids was so messed up the medicine was not getting absorbed in my body. My whole body started tingling when I laid down at night like I had needles sticking me. Then my hair started falling out when I washed it.  I had to clean my drain out every day so much hair was keeping the water from going down.  My mind goes blank when I am talking to someone trying to think of the words to say. I feel like I am stupid sometimes because I cannot think of the words to say. Your brain is just all jumbled up hard to be organized in your thinking.  I don't know if any one else goes through this but my thyroids are still not right yet .The Dr. went down from 137mcg to 125mcg to 112 mcg and I am suppose to skip a day. I don't have the tingling any more and hair loss is not as bad. But I still have the memory problem but that could be  just old age but the Dr. said it was because of my thyroids so I am going to take his word for it.  I do have this shaking in my hands,mostly just my right one. But he said that if it is just one it would not be the thyroids but if it is both of them then it could be Thyroids. So I am going to a neurologist for the shaking hand problem.But one of the main things I almost forgot about is WEIGHT I have not been able to loose weight but still trying. I think a lot of people that can't loose weight don't realize they have Thyroid problems.   I am just writing this to remind everyone to read those little labels, I went and read all my medicine bottles.  I didn't even think I was taking it wrong, till my thyroid Dr. asked me when I have been taking it.  Well, I know now, and trying to get it working right.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Snob-a-peal or Reality

Old Car
boohoo I loved being a Snob. One of my neighbors said the Mercedes was a Snob Mobile.  Well,I came down to reality when my husband told me the Mercedes just does not get good gas milage. And no telling how high it will go and if it goes down that will be good for us...So my husband sent out messages on the internet to some dealers and of course in a few minutes we had half dozen dealers begging for our business.  So he went out to some dealers by his self because I just can't stand going through the rig-a-me-roll of dealing with car salesmen. He came home and said after about 3 dealerships he went to he finally got a good deal on the Mercedes.  So I went with him yesterday and it was Easy because he already did all the foot work all I had to do was pick out the car I wanted.  SO I picked out a Black w/Gray interior  Hyundai, Elantra. So I had it picked out and we where gone from the dealer ship in about 2 hours with the car I wanted an a check to boot.  They traded us and gave us some cash back.  That is not saying the Elantra is not a really nice car and gets 40mpg. an more on the highway. That is the reason we traded because of the gas...But I do love the new car and Happy we did the good deal...I am not going to say OK GAS you can go up!! No I have to many family that have to buy that stuff and it hurts every time we go to the pump.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well I don't want to be left behind I have two sister-in-laws that are always blogging and they love it... I don't know how to put my words like they do but I am going to give it a try..Well I have already ran out of words to say,I know mine are going to be short and sweet. I dout I will be able to blog but maybe once a week or so,or when ever I think of something to type about.  Two of my soaps are going off the air I hear so that is going to give me a lot of spare time unless they come back with something good....I will do most of this writeing for my self,but I don't care,it will give me an outlet and something to do...I also type what i think so i could be talking about one thing and jump to something completly different..I guess I will see if this comes out so I will end now. Oh by the way I got the name of the blog Wondering Mind because my Husband is always saying "you are always Wondering".