Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Days on Efudex

My Days on Efudex

I have started Efudex not knowing ,but have been told that it is painful.  My Dermatologist was proud of me because I said I would do it. He said Not to many people will do it, even when they need to have it done. He would tell them they should have it done and he would give them the pamphlet on what to expect and they would tell him "NO they are not going to go through all that".  Plus a lot of people have to work and are not going to go in public looking like a monster or contagious. So I am retired and don't have to worry about going to work,so I will do it.  Plus I am over 50 a little ha ha, my personal feeling is that I don't think a lot of younger adults would have it done because they are still sun bathing and are not worried about sun cancer yet. It is getting out to the younger adults that it does make you look older, sun bathing or getting into tanning beds, but guess what they are not listening yet,and may not hear you until they are at 50 and are starting to get wrinkles,then they say" oh no I should of stayed out of the sun". Then they will go to a Dermatologist and BEG for the Efudex...  So this is really my first day because I didn't put it on till last night Oct 9,2011 so this is pictures of 9th and 10th Oct.  My neck is red and a little itchy. I wonder how many little skin precancers I will have? Oct 11,2011 my face is puffy and my neck is little itchy that is all that is going on so far.
[Image]by Wondering Mind at 4:49 pm 1 Comments

Oct 9,2011

Oct 10,2011
Wondering Mind at 4:49 pm 1 Comments
The Path TraveledOct 11, 2011 10:58 AMYou have a long way to go. About the 5th day you should see some redd spots and a little burn look. Hang in there. Try to tie this blog with your oringinal one so that your followers will be able to keep up and comment. If you have to just copy the post and post it on your other one. There is a place to click on and name a page on there. Let me know if you need some help.
Love ya, hang in there... No more!loading.

.. Well ,this is day 5.5 and I feel my bottom lip is getting bigger then normal. I can see under the skin a lot of little red bumps. My neck on the side has a few spots showing up. Other wise neck is the reddest and more tingly. I have not called the Dr. yet but will soon.  He only works in that office 2 days a month because he is retired military and does this for free.  But anyway doing fine so far.  Have not put any make-up on since I started.  This is Oct.14 2011
11:58:00 AMby Wondering
Oct 15 I only see red spots on my side of my neck. Maybe I want be getting it to bad that will be a good thing that means I don't have any precancers under my skin.  Well, we will see in the next few days..

Oct 16  not much has happened don't know why?

I have been on Efudex now for 11 days you really can't see the spots on the picture but I do have quite a bit on my chest and around my lips and some spots coming up on my forehead about 20 or so.  I feel ok at night around 5:00 it hurts more then in the day time. So take a look the Dr. said to keep putting the medicine on twice a day .  My next apt is on the 9th of November. 

Oct 24,2011 I have been on efudex now for 16 days I stopped useing it yesterday on Oct 23,2011. Now I am just waiting to get well.

18 days now Oct 26 I am turning green and scapping Hopefully soon i will be well I still feel the burn feeling and it hurts so bad.  Well I had more on my chest then face but under my nose and chin hurts the most,more then my chest. I know I did not have it as bad as my two sisters but I could feel the pain when I look at their pictures. This is something that is an on going pain for weeks if you don't know how to deal with the pain I would not do it. Like I would not want my husband to go through the pain,because he is already in a lot of pain with his neck.  I just make sure he goes to the skin dr. every 6 monthes to get them burned off and hopefully that will take care of it. 

Oct 30,2011 I started feeling better yesterday It was so good to wake up and not have a stiff face and hurting.  I have peeled but i am still red around the places that have peeled.  My neck and chest is still broke out and hurts it has been scappeing but still red and hurts.  But other wise I am so GLAD that is almost over with! I learned my lesson I will never do it again!! I can't even imagine how Betty  survived the pain what 2 times you did it to your self. Well, I am glad I got that over with so I don't have to worry about cancer on my face,neck and chest any more hopefully...


  1. Hang in there...you have a long way to go. Dont forget to call your doctor about the days of applying the cream.

  2. Still applying twice a day? You should be seeing somthing by now? Any pain?

  3. 2retirednewmans said:
    hummm, you should have seen something right away. You look pretty much like there is nothing yet. Keep us posted.

  4. Well, today's photo shows a little redness. Maybe you wont have a bad case. Just keep doing what your doing.

  5. 2retirednewmans said:
    OUCH! I bet your neck feels bad. I see some action on your chin & upper lip too. Hang in there.

  6. Had to check in from the hotel after getting your email. You don't have pre cancers! Your either lucky or the cream isn't working on you. At day eleven you would be so scaped up and having pain like tiny razor blades plus cracking and or some bleeding. I do see some light redness but there are only four phases if your using Efudex and you look like phase one still when you should be in stage three. I cant understand why your doctor would make you use the cream until the 9th of November because if this even kicks into phase 3 and 4 you are going to be in torture. Margies was a short time because she did the light. Your not even as bad as hers was with the light. I guess your just one of the few....Your lucky. I was in Hell more the second treatment than the first. I wont do it again!
    love you

  7. 2retirednewmans said:
    I do see some areas on your chin & lip that look pretty painful. I don't think your face was as badly harmed from the sun as Betty's. She had them all over her face. I am praying that you are lucky & only have a few pre cancers (if any). Hang in there though. I am sure your red & crusty areas are pretty uncomfortable. Keep up the post. lv,

  8. 2retirednewmans said:
    Ouch! Now you look like you had a very bad burn. Hopefully it will heal fast.

  9. Renea,
    Hope your well soon and back to normal. I am envious that you were one of the lucky ones that didn't have it bad. Thank you for sharing your journey with Efudex with your family and friends.

  10. How are you doing with the treatment? I am anxious to hear about the results. Are you going to post more pictures? Keep us posted.

  11. were are the update photos ? are u done with this ?
