Sunday, August 28, 2011

Living with Regret

 I Live every day with regret.  The regret is not being with my Mom on her last days.  The last time I saw her blue blue eyes was at the dr. office. I had an appt. and I guess she did to.  She sat in her wheel chair and I sat on the other side of the room,not looking at her. I would sneak a peek every once in a while and I would see her looking at me with sad eyes.  That is the last time I saw those blue eyes. It hurts me every day knowing that my Mother left this earth and I did not say I LOVE YOU MOM! I am so ashamed of myself for letting stupid things get in between my love for her.  I am writeing this so other people don't do the most unforgiveable in your own heart and mind. Because I live every day with a broken heart for my Mom. You had a hard life, and in your days of your death they also where hard.  I am so SORRY Mom I Love yOu with all my broken heart for you. Because I know you Loved me with all your heart.  You use to say I was your little Queen that is how I got my name Marqueen.  Love You!


  1. I LOVE YOU RENEA.......I AM Soooooooo sorry for you to be in any pain...I wish I could take it from you. I will ALWAYS be here for you..We BOTH lost our mothers and miss them VERY much.

  2. Forgive yourself ! God has forgiven you & wants u to forgive yourself ! I'm sorry for your loose !

  3. Thanks I know God has forgiven me but it is so hard because I have to live with the fact. One day I will get to see her and I will tell her that I am so sorry for being such a bad daughter and that I love her...Thanks!Love!

  4. I am sorry you are hurting Renea. Big Hug!!!

  5. I never knew that about your name. That is beautiful.

  6. Nice BUT what about ROY with our Dad and his brother and sister?? God see's our hearts. God Bless.
