Wednesday, June 8, 2011

He has done it Again!

Well, about every 8 months or so my husband will start staying up all night on the computer. This will go on for days and finally, I will find out he is looking for something new. He will tell me what he is doing and of course like always I will tell him he is nuts! And it's not a new wife but his second love, a new Car or used car what ever something different. For 38 years he is never satisfied, he goes from one to another,and it don't take long for him to get ready for a new ride and I mean a car..
I don't know if this was in his family genes or what but he is Car Crazy!
Well, this new car he just came up with came from New Hampshire... He found a Beautiful Salsa Red 1964 Corvette.  The man that owned the car put it on a car hauler and off it went.  Back  down to Florida, where it came from before it went to New Hampshire. Now my husband is the new owner and he slept with it last night to make sure it didn't get lonely,even though it had my new Elantra next to it. He said he just sat and just looked at it and kept dozing off in his chair a few times before he decided that the car could sleep by itself.  But now I know my husband should be getting some sleep tonight. He has got what he wanted and will be satisfied for another 8 months and then what he keeps telling me," where can he go from this car" well he always seems to find a way.  And he has went a full circle he started out loving Corvettes and went to Vipers back to Corvettes..That is what he told me. Well, I am just glad he loves me and don't want to get rid of me not yet anyway ha ha....


  1. Ya never know what he may be driving next. I always like the corvette more than the viper. Nice ride. Enjoy it while you can because ya never know how long it will be in your garage.

  2. NICE! Scott & I love the color. I have always like the older vets, but I also like the Viper. I KNOW Roy will enjoy it.
