Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Medicine Bottles?

I was just wondering am I the only one that does not read the little labels that the pharmacist puts on the medicine?  I went for years not taking my Thyroid medicine right. I don't recall my Dr. telling me how to take it but I should have read the labels.  It says to take as a single dose before breakfast. I had been taking it whenever I got around to it an with all my other medicines.  That is why my thyroids was so messed up the medicine was not getting absorbed in my body. My whole body started tingling when I laid down at night like I had needles sticking me. Then my hair started falling out when I washed it.  I had to clean my drain out every day so much hair was keeping the water from going down.  My mind goes blank when I am talking to someone trying to think of the words to say. I feel like I am stupid sometimes because I cannot think of the words to say. Your brain is just all jumbled up hard to be organized in your thinking.  I don't know if any one else goes through this but my thyroids are still not right yet .The Dr. went down from 137mcg to 125mcg to 112 mcg and I am suppose to skip a day. I don't have the tingling any more and hair loss is not as bad. But I still have the memory problem but that could be  just old age but the Dr. said it was because of my thyroids so I am going to take his word for it.  I do have this shaking in my hands,mostly just my right one. But he said that if it is just one it would not be the thyroids but if it is both of them then it could be Thyroids. So I am going to a neurologist for the shaking hand problem.But one of the main things I almost forgot about is WEIGHT I have not been able to loose weight but still trying. I think a lot of people that can't loose weight don't realize they have Thyroid problems.   I am just writing this to remind everyone to read those little labels, I went and read all my medicine bottles.  I didn't even think I was taking it wrong, till my thyroid Dr. asked me when I have been taking it.  Well, I know now, and trying to get it working right.


  1. You should always read those labels even on aspirin. Some meds have to be taken with food, some with milk. It always has that information on the bottle.

  2. Yes, and one that a lot of people take is Lipitor you cannot eat grapefruit,or drink grapefruit at any time while taking this Lipitor.

  3. I'm glad you finally found out what was wrong, at least now you know to read the labels & to keep taking your meds. Hay, do you think Scott & I could have a thyroid problem? We are so forgetful! Lololo.
    Lv Ya.

  4. I LOVE your new car!!!

  5. Do you leave the house and have to go back at least 2 times before you get going? If you do Thank Goodness I thought it was just me and Roy.
    One problem with us Roy has to do all the thinking now, so we have to go back to the house 3 or 4 times.Ha Ha No really If it wasn't for him I would be in trouble with my jumbled mind. Thanks for loving my car....

  6. What about when you go to the next room to get or do something and you dont remember when or why you went there? I do that all the time, I dont think its health related. I think its age.
    I loved what Roy wrote on his follow page. Im so glad to see you blogging also. You and Margie are catching up now with technology and the times! I love you all!

  7. wow be careful ! hope you feel better soon !

  8. Yea, I have gone somewhere & forgot how to get to the street I live on...Well, there is more to that topic, but when someone has so much on their mind they tend to forget other things. I think we are ALL in the same boat.
