Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why Oh Why??

I am very upset today because I just found out from my son that another young person took their own life.. Why oh why, and you know he is the only one that knows all the pain he was going through to do what he did. I didn't even know him that well, he was my sons ex-wife brother,but I had seen him and said hi a few times. I heard he was a nice guy,but the pain he had, must of been   something he could not live with, for him to of hung his self. I am so sorry to his Mom and Dad and family, they have to live with the pain of loosing him. I hope he left them a letter to make since of his death.  I had to write about this because it made me feel so sad knowing that his parents will never know now how their son's life would of been.  He cut it short, and they will never know what it could of been if he  would of just took a different path. So sad for a young life to end so early. Rest in Peace Joseph Cotton.


  1. This is so sad. It is always so hard to hear about someone passing away when they are so young.

  2. it is always sad when anyone takes there on life ! it is not fair to there family . I had a friend kill herself with a shot gun . She took her two young boys to school an then went home fought with her husband , went to the bathroom and ended it all . That was 3 yrs ago . Her family still is taking it hard .
    I hope all that have read this post will lift his family up in prayer .

  3. What a sad post and such a young life wasted. I hope this young man made his peace with God before he did such a thing.
