Saturday, July 2, 2011

Who is the Number 1 Child with a Mother that has 4

The love from a Mother to her children is never ending love, she would do any thing for her kids. We are here on this earth to protect,guide,teach,and show them love, and everything that a mother does for their children while they are young.  Once they hit the age 18 you are hoping that they would leave the nest and fly like a responsible,almost mature young person. But what if they don't?  And you have different views on the way you should live your life then they do. Then their is the old horrible thing of jealousies between brothers and sisters. Like Cain and Able,Why do they have to be jealous of each other?
They should be proud to have a brother or sister that is doing well in life. They should be thinking i sure am Glad that they are doing good instead of thinking, they just think they have more then me an are trying to flaunt it.  It is not called flaunting it, if they want to show you something they bought, we all do that, we are proud of having nice things and want to show them off. Brothers and Sisters should have love for each other just like a mother and father has love for all their children.  Then their is the jealousy of child and parent.  Just because a parent is speaking to one more then the other does not mean that she loves them more.  Like  I said the mothers love for all her children is the Same when it comes down to each one of them. She just may be disappointed in one or the other once in a while but her Love is always their for her kids....So the jealousy between Brother and Sister and Mother,Father and Child should never be! Life is so short and it seems shorter has you get older...


  1. I agree! Eventhough, I only have one child I completely understand what you are saying. Our lives & this world would be so much better if everyone could just love each other & stop worring about who has what, or how much, or how pretty...etc...

  2. You said what I was trying to say in 3 lines! Can't wait to see you all! LOve

  3. My only two daughter sometime get pushed to the side when it comes to spending time with my granddaughter, but I try my best to spread my love to all three. The girls dont fight and haven't since they married and they totally dont get jealous over ech other or us. I think God has blessed them in so many ways and I see that everyday. We wouldn't change a thing.

  4. You are so lucky! I have a great daughter also and one son that shows us all his love but some that don't want to. I tried my best to spread the love also but with some you just cannot please. And it hurts real bad!

  5. Sorry you was a day short of seeing my photos of the house . I was robbed at work and didn't feel I needed to leave the photos of the inside of the house on the net . Sorry ! It was up for five days . Maybe when y'all are in town .
    Love u

  6. "The Broke 4 Ranch" will be hosting a Virtual Blog BBQ, hosted by yours truly, Thoughts on a Blog, and I hope you will come join us! Invitation is posted on my blog.

  7. I hope you & bro are not working too hard on the house. We are so sorry you won't be coming for a visit. We were looking forward to seeing you. I hope you aren't working too hard & maybe there is still a chance you will still come.

  8. Thanks, we wanted to go so bad also, but this needs to come first. We are working, hard it can take a tole on us old folks trying to moe grass, in 90's Roy has done a lot of it but I did some yesterday with a wet towel and big hat, sun glasses. The poor lawn mower has croked on us so we need to buy a new one. We are not on a riding lawn mower this is a push mower, that we are cutting it with right now till we can get it cut down to use a riding lawn mower. 5 acres is a lot of grass to cut with a push mower. Anyway it is getting done.Ricky,Chad and Angie have been doing a lot also. We got a new stove and refrigerator yesterday. Next Angie is going to buy the new carpet. Love I will blog about it when we get done show pictures....

  9. That is to bad letters to a Friend. I hope they get whom ever did that to your shop!. Hope not to much taken, or just messed up. That is just sick of someone to do such! Love
