Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well I don't want to be left behind I have two sister-in-laws that are always blogging and they love it... I don't know how to put my words like they do but I am going to give it a try..Well I have already ran out of words to say,I know mine are going to be short and sweet. I dout I will be able to blog but maybe once a week or so,or when ever I think of something to type about.  Two of my soaps are going off the air I hear so that is going to give me a lot of spare time unless they come back with something good....I will do most of this writeing for my self,but I don't care,it will give me an outlet and something to do...I also type what i think so i could be talking about one thing and jump to something completly different..I guess I will see if this comes out so I will end now. Oh by the way I got the name of the blog Wondering Mind because my Husband is always saying "you are always Wondering".


  1. I love the title of your Blog and I am so excited to see you are joining the blogging world. You will find that just journaling your thoughts, even if no one comments on them, that you will get a lot out of it for yourself. It releases stress and depression. You meet friends here that you will follow on their blogs as well as the ones following yours. Have fun with it!
    Love U

  2. I also love your title. I like blogging, but don't have much of an imagination. I will try, though. Kudos to you!
