Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Begining and then the End

Here we are crying when we have a new love one born. Then when we have a love one pass on we are also crying no matter what we are crying.  Every thing goes in a full circle like my husband said he started out with corvettes and now he has gone in a full circle he has a corvette now. 
You know I thought about it the other day, when my grand daughter was here and she said you know "you are going to die one day and  i am going to cry and cry" she said.. I really didn't know what to say to her except that she will be ok. After she left I thought to my self I am going to have to prepare her and the other grand kids for what is going to happen one day,that her Me Maw and Paw Paw will not be here for ever and that when it does happen we will always be with them and watch down on them. It was very hard on my little Lexi when her Old Grandma died she had grown to know her and when she died she was hurt,and wondering where she went. We cannot just leave our little ones not knowing what happened to their Grand Parents. It is going to be hard on them, but hopefully I can prepare them all to know I will always be with them.  So lets stop crying and smile and be Happy right now!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

To a Great Husband and Dad

You know most of us always tell our husbands that we love them, but not tell him why.  I know I haven't told him very often why I love him..
You know all women say they want a man that loved his Mom well my Husband loved his Mother!  He always made sure me and the kids had what we needed. And I can say he has given me everything I have ever wanted between material things to love and affection.  We have never argued about money. He has always treated me like I am his best friend.  We have been married for 38 years and of course their are ups and downs, but I am so Glad we both worked on all our problems and I am so GLAD! 
Sometimes I get upset if I have to hear the same story over for the 1,000 time but really I am so GLAD to be able to hear it.
He is strong,he does what he says and expects his kids to do what they say.
He has always wanted his kids to have more then we have had..
He has always wanted them to be responsible. 
He loves them all, kids and Grand kids... 
One of the things that makes my Husband so special during all the years, that we have been married is that when I  thought that he needed changing for the better, he tried to work on it so we can be happier. He did a good job of making us very Happy! 
He has always let me speak my mind and I never had to  be afraid to tell him how I feel because he has always been my friend to run to when I felt down. We are a team for life and then after!!!
HAPPY FATHERS DAY to my Wonderful Husband you are just the GREATEST I LOVE YOU!!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Going to the Sixth Grade

Don't you remember when you graduated from 5th to the sixth or just when ever you started that grade?  I lived in California at that time at Ft. Irwine,my Dad was in the Army I was in the sixth grade. Out in the Dessert my passion was swimming.  I was good at swimming,I could go across the great big pool under water I had good lungs at the time. But I was on a swimming team going all around California swimming.  I did very good,  won lots of blue,white or red ribbons mostly blue I was a good swimmer. But I have no ideal what happen to all those ribbons wished I had them now. 

Yesterday,I went over to my daughters house and Brooke had her ribbons and trophies all laid out neatly on her pool table so proud of them all. She has them because of Softball ,Cheer leading, doing good in school like being on the A honor roll and more...I told her to safe guard them don't loose them so she can show her kids all the hard work she has done to get all her rewards. Lexi ,Brooke and Caitlyn have lots of trophies for the things they have done so far in their young lives.  But their Mom and Dads also have been the ones to back them up in all they have done.  But now the name of the title is going to the sixth grade, I am writing this because her Grandpa and I went to her 5th grade graduation.  The kids where all dressed up in some of the cutes dresses and the boys where very neat. The thing is I would like for her to try and remember some of her young life. So here I am  snapping my camera every 5 min. or so trying to get every detail.  Her Mom does a good job at making sure they have things to remember in their child hood days.  She makes real paper back books for them and they together do scrap booking. I wished I would of done those kinds of things for my kids but at the time,all they got was a baby book. We  just never heard of it like macrame or pottery but I am proud of my kids because they put their kids above every thing.  I have noticed that my Niece DB is doing the same thing making sure her girl has a good child hood and does scrap booking with great pictures. Any way Roy and I have lots more graduations to go to and looking forward to all of them.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

He has done it Again!

Well, about every 8 months or so my husband will start staying up all night on the computer. This will go on for days and finally, I will find out he is looking for something new. He will tell me what he is doing and of course like always I will tell him he is nuts! And it's not a new wife but his second love, a new Car or used car what ever something different. For 38 years he is never satisfied, he goes from one to another,and it don't take long for him to get ready for a new ride and I mean a car..
I don't know if this was in his family genes or what but he is Car Crazy!
Well, this new car he just came up with came from New Hampshire... He found a Beautiful Salsa Red 1964 Corvette.  The man that owned the car put it on a car hauler and off it went.  Back  down to Florida, where it came from before it went to New Hampshire. Now my husband is the new owner and he slept with it last night to make sure it didn't get lonely,even though it had my new Elantra next to it. He said he just sat and just looked at it and kept dozing off in his chair a few times before he decided that the car could sleep by itself.  But now I know my husband should be getting some sleep tonight. He has got what he wanted and will be satisfied for another 8 months and then what he keeps telling me," where can he go from this car" well he always seems to find a way.  And he has went a full circle he started out loving Corvettes and went to Vipers back to Corvettes..That is what he told me. Well, I am just glad he loves me and don't want to get rid of me not yet anyway ha ha....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Medicine Bottles?

I was just wondering am I the only one that does not read the little labels that the pharmacist puts on the medicine?  I went for years not taking my Thyroid medicine right. I don't recall my Dr. telling me how to take it but I should have read the labels.  It says to take as a single dose before breakfast. I had been taking it whenever I got around to it an with all my other medicines.  That is why my thyroids was so messed up the medicine was not getting absorbed in my body. My whole body started tingling when I laid down at night like I had needles sticking me. Then my hair started falling out when I washed it.  I had to clean my drain out every day so much hair was keeping the water from going down.  My mind goes blank when I am talking to someone trying to think of the words to say. I feel like I am stupid sometimes because I cannot think of the words to say. Your brain is just all jumbled up hard to be organized in your thinking.  I don't know if any one else goes through this but my thyroids are still not right yet .The Dr. went down from 137mcg to 125mcg to 112 mcg and I am suppose to skip a day. I don't have the tingling any more and hair loss is not as bad. But I still have the memory problem but that could be  just old age but the Dr. said it was because of my thyroids so I am going to take his word for it.  I do have this shaking in my hands,mostly just my right one. But he said that if it is just one it would not be the thyroids but if it is both of them then it could be Thyroids. So I am going to a neurologist for the shaking hand problem.But one of the main things I almost forgot about is WEIGHT I have not been able to loose weight but still trying. I think a lot of people that can't loose weight don't realize they have Thyroid problems.   I am just writing this to remind everyone to read those little labels, I went and read all my medicine bottles.  I didn't even think I was taking it wrong, till my thyroid Dr. asked me when I have been taking it.  Well, I know now, and trying to get it working right.