Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why Oh Why??

I am very upset today because I just found out from my son that another young person took their own life.. Why oh why, and you know he is the only one that knows all the pain he was going through to do what he did. I didn't even know him that well, he was my sons ex-wife brother,but I had seen him and said hi a few times. I heard he was a nice guy,but the pain he had, must of been   something he could not live with, for him to of hung his self. I am so sorry to his Mom and Dad and family, they have to live with the pain of loosing him. I hope he left them a letter to make since of his death.  I had to write about this because it made me feel so sad knowing that his parents will never know now how their son's life would of been.  He cut it short, and they will never know what it could of been if he  would of just took a different path. So sad for a young life to end so early. Rest in Peace Joseph Cotton.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I call my daughter my friend now that she is older, and I also have two sister-in-laws that I think of as friends and sisters because I did not have any sisters.I hope they feel the same.  I feel bad because my daughter does not have any sisters  and I know she would of liked to have one sister to share things with.  And of course my main friend is my husband,but some times you need some girl friends.  I have not been the one to go out and get friends. While my husband was in the military he use to bring home the friends and I would always end up being friends with the wife..
Then I have my sons wife she is my friend. But then their is the friends that I found all by my self, that is my school year friends while growing up.  I know where two of them are and we email each other ever once in a while but they where not easy to find after we went our own ways. One friend I spent hours and days on the computer going through names looking for her or her Moms name and I knew they went to the state of Washington.  Finally one day I called this no. and I heard this little voice and guess what it was her Mom. She was just as surprised as I was.  She gave me her daughters phone no. and we got into contact and have been keeping in touch ever since and also she was in the process of moving back to the town we met.  When she moved back the three of us got together for a little reunion.  It was  so good getting to hear all their stories and talking about the past. Some of the stories they told where very sad and some funny. We had so much fun together, those memories will always be with me.  Seeing that they both are living a good life makes me feel so Good!  Then their are the friends that I cannot find and one lives here in Florida. I have looked for her on the computer even stopped in the town she lived in at one time and looked in phone books but cannot find her. Any way I am just GLAD I have the friends I have,since I don't have to  many but who cares, the ones I do have I can count on them to be there when I need to talk... Love to my Friends! And a special Love for my family friends!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Who is the Number 1 Child with a Mother that has 4

The love from a Mother to her children is never ending love, she would do any thing for her kids. We are here on this earth to protect,guide,teach,and show them love, and everything that a mother does for their children while they are young.  Once they hit the age 18 you are hoping that they would leave the nest and fly like a responsible,almost mature young person. But what if they don't?  And you have different views on the way you should live your life then they do. Then their is the old horrible thing of jealousies between brothers and sisters. Like Cain and Able,Why do they have to be jealous of each other?
They should be proud to have a brother or sister that is doing well in life. They should be thinking i sure am Glad that they are doing good instead of thinking, they just think they have more then me an are trying to flaunt it.  It is not called flaunting it, if they want to show you something they bought, we all do that, we are proud of having nice things and want to show them off. Brothers and Sisters should have love for each other just like a mother and father has love for all their children.  Then their is the jealousy of child and parent.  Just because a parent is speaking to one more then the other does not mean that she loves them more.  Like  I said the mothers love for all her children is the Same when it comes down to each one of them. She just may be disappointed in one or the other once in a while but her Love is always their for her kids....So the jealousy between Brother and Sister and Mother,Father and Child should never be! Life is so short and it seems shorter has you get older...