Thursday, May 26, 2011

Snob-a-peal or Reality

Old Car
boohoo I loved being a Snob. One of my neighbors said the Mercedes was a Snob Mobile.  Well,I came down to reality when my husband told me the Mercedes just does not get good gas milage. And no telling how high it will go and if it goes down that will be good for us...So my husband sent out messages on the internet to some dealers and of course in a few minutes we had half dozen dealers begging for our business.  So he went out to some dealers by his self because I just can't stand going through the rig-a-me-roll of dealing with car salesmen. He came home and said after about 3 dealerships he went to he finally got a good deal on the Mercedes.  So I went with him yesterday and it was Easy because he already did all the foot work all I had to do was pick out the car I wanted.  SO I picked out a Black w/Gray interior  Hyundai, Elantra. So I had it picked out and we where gone from the dealer ship in about 2 hours with the car I wanted an a check to boot.  They traded us and gave us some cash back.  That is not saying the Elantra is not a really nice car and gets 40mpg. an more on the highway. That is the reason we traded because of the gas...But I do love the new car and Happy we did the good deal...I am not going to say OK GAS you can go up!! No I have to many family that have to buy that stuff and it hurts every time we go to the pump.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well I don't want to be left behind I have two sister-in-laws that are always blogging and they love it... I don't know how to put my words like they do but I am going to give it a try..Well I have already ran out of words to say,I know mine are going to be short and sweet. I dout I will be able to blog but maybe once a week or so,or when ever I think of something to type about.  Two of my soaps are going off the air I hear so that is going to give me a lot of spare time unless they come back with something good....I will do most of this writeing for my self,but I don't care,it will give me an outlet and something to do...I also type what i think so i could be talking about one thing and jump to something completly different..I guess I will see if this comes out so I will end now. Oh by the way I got the name of the blog Wondering Mind because my Husband is always saying "you are always Wondering".